Master Degree Project

Project Partner:

Swiss Center for Design and Health

Création Baumann

Keim Farben AG Bern

My Master's Project merges theoretical knowledge with practical applications, emphasizing real-world importance and a broad array of design skills. These skills include spatial modeling, textile printing, colour systems, digital visualization, and industry collaboration. This material research enhances user experience and promotes environmental sustainability in healthcare settings, offering valuable insights for making evidence-based decisions.

This project explores colour and materials through data-driven approaches and participatory methods.

It involves colour experiments on walls and textiles to create immersive spatial experiences. For example, these experiments are designed to evoke natural associations, enhancing the sensory impact of the environment.

The methodology of the work is based on an analysis of landscape images, which are systematically sorted and examined in a colour wheel. Colour groups can be calibrated differently, e.g. sky, forest and mountain landscapes and many more.

The colour atmosphere of these landscapes is translated into health environments.

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